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Location: Wisconsin, U.S. Outlying Islands

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It's Alive!

Someone's still alive down there!

Bankruptcy Judge Lamar Davis in South Georgia issued a General Order yesterday that the unconstitutional part of the new law doesn't apply to lawyers. That cures the unconstitutionality problem!

Finally someone in the right place, with the right power, at the right time, saw a need to act out his personal responsibility.

I could live with the law being punitive and burdensome but it sucking the oxygen away from my life force to think of serving under a law that was UNCONSTITUTIONAL. I feel like I can breathe again. I may live.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Brown Dreams in N'Auleans

How small-government conservatives live with themselves:

Let me record the televised moment I knew what kind of a man ex-FEMA Chief Micheal D. Brown is:

He gets asked, at the Congressional hearings, "What did you do wrong?"

That's the cue to either be candid, of course, or to finesse it all and, as politicians do, answer a different question.

So he seems to choose candor -- lowers voice, looks straight at questioner, looks a little pained: "My mistake is ...

Really, he almost wins you just by the humble role he chooses right here ...

"My mistake was [ I couldn't overcome how ]... Blanco & Nagin screwed it up."


Either you accuse -- with an entirely different approach, anger-fed -- or you accept the blame, "I couldn't get it up to get anything done on my own."

How candor works is: The style fits the content. Brown's content was "Lousiana is dysfunctional"; his style was "I am here to accept responsibilty."


It's often dangerous to give a real, line-responsibility job to a lawyer [or alternatively a teacher, similar dynamics sometimes] who has spent a lifetime second-guessing other people's decisions and little else. Some of these "intellectual workers" never get any clue that some people's jobs require actual results.

I think that is at the root of Brown's problem, in unholy alliance with Bush & Rove's radical small government goals.

I do feel a little bit sorry for him. I imagine he's gone through a whole lifetime without noticing that some people have to put out real effort at work.