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Location: Wisconsin, U.S. Outlying Islands

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Dull Sublunary

Such darkness.

The world since Brown v. Board of Education, the world of forced busing, white flight, urban underclass.

Not that I would keep it the same as it was before, but I regret the falling away of the neighborhood school, the ones the parents controlled with such confidence that they also came to love it and think of it as theirs. The outward emblem of the inward sense of autonomy.

People raising children deserve to control, and love, the means they choose to socialize their children. How many things have fallen apart since this social center came under attack? How many libraries, and local concert series, and service clubs, have shrunk down since those days called all local allegiance into question?

Can we really do without all of that?

Be careful who you blame for this though. You might think liberal social engineers were at fault for forcing this unnatural development, but I am more inclined to blame conservative hate.

No one should have put the neighborhood school at risk like that. There is so little that can take its place.

And no one would have had to if conservatives had fought more battles with themselves. The hate was always repugnant, and they let it be.

Even "Let it be" can have a dark inner core. That is what is illuminated when the sun is, for a time, missing.